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The National Park of the Casentine Forests
Where the Trees Touch the Sky

A guide to a special park, to be visited in any season. Special for its forests, over ten thousand hectares of woods stretching between Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna.
Special for the animals that live in it: red deer, fallow deer, roebuck, and then wolves and golden eagles.
Special for the mixture of faith, art and history that has created in its territory parish churches, hermitages and sanctuaries famous the world over.
Special for the thousand paths and many visitors' centres from which you can enter the heart of its forests, by foot, on horseback or on mountain bike.
Special for its thousand flavors, fruit of a peasant tradition that has been handed down for centuries.
Special for the welcome it offers its guests, with hotels, farm tourism, rooms for rent, campsites, youth hostels and shelters which respect nature and those who live in the park.
Special because visiting it means experiencing its nature and its culture, and letting it enrich you every day a little more.

The real objectives of this guide are few and simple: not to describe exhaustively and definitely the places in the park (which would be an endless task) but rather to paint a portrait of it, essential but authentic. The guide should give some fundamental information accompanied by equally basic concepts, so that the former, combined with the latter, become principles of understanding the environment and the territory, tools allowing the reader to grasp it; not only when he reads of this or that place or phenomenon, but also when he experiences the park directly, in person.

Publisher: Giunti
Authors: Sonia Cian, Stefano Cavagna
Year: 2003
Pages: 188
Size: 13x22,5 cm

If you buy this book, you may require for free the Brochure "Living with Nature" in English and the Bookmark "Made in Nature" - Parco Nazionale Foreste Casentinesi

Prezzo: 12,00€
Questo articolo è stato aggiunto al nostro catalogo il 25 Agosto 2006.
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Where the Trees Touch the Sky
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