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Miniguide to the Sila National Park

This miniguide to the Sila National Park has been created above all for first-time visitors to this splendid upland, requiring useful information on their journey of discovery. In view of this purpose, it is a rapid and ductile guide, full of images, a sort of pamphlet which is easy to carry with you at all times, containing essential information on the history, geography, nature and landscape of the marvellous protected areas of the Sila. Francesco Bevilacqua has been entrusted with its creation, a renowned expert of the natural beauties of Sila and Calabria in general and who describes the Park's territories through texts and photos with great skill and passion. The guide also contains a special section on itineraries and walks for everyone, rules of behaviour in the Park, and illustrates typical flora and fauna of the protected Sila areas. The Sila has always been renowned for its exceptional beauty and is a prevalently mountainous territory, 80% dominated by forests, woods and fields, characterised by an extraordinary biodiversity. Places such as the "Giganti della Sila" natural reserve still conserve an uncontaminated beauty. The "giants" - monumental, ultracentenary trees - provide visitors with a unique journey in a place where the present melts away, overwhelmed by nature's strong ancestral call.

We hope that this guide will help travellers in the Sila to discover the park, which is the perfect place to relax, do sport, take naturalistic photos or visit small villages, where ancient local traditions prevail, such as weaving, coupled with an unconditional love of the land and its history.

Sonia Ferrari
Special Commissioner Sila National Park Authority

Pages: 96
Size: 14x22,5 cm
ISBN: 978-88-498-4607-2

Prezzo: 5,00€
Questo articolo è stato aggiunto al nostro catalogo il 11 Agosto 2020.
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