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La Mandria of Venaria - The Apartments of Vittorio Emanuele II

English edition

The publication of this book dedicated to La Mandria of Venaria presents the house of Savoy's royal estate and hunting reserve along with the Royal Apartments, which UNESCO has recognized as part of the heritage of humanity. The Venaria Royal Residence and La Mandria are two adjoining properties that, in their closeness, illustrate the two aspects of the court.
The many-faceted way of life of the court - or, more accurately, of the first king of Italy, can be summed up in this imposing complex. The Venaria was the site where the official formal occasions for the dynasty were celebrated, whereas the hunting reserve was the site where private entertainment took place, free from formalities or duties.
Now that Venaria Royal Residence and La Mandria have been restored through the by-now established practice of collaboration between public and private agencies, they offer us a genuine opportunity to appreciate a new beginning for the Savoy residences.

Editore: CELID
A cura di: Francesco Pernice
Anno: 2008
Pagine: 108
Formato: 20x20 cm
ISBN: 978-88-7661-759-1

Prezzo: 13,00€
Questo articolo è stato aggiunto al nostro catalogo il 30 Luglio 2010.
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